Sunday, April 2, 2017

Turns out I do know how to write.

One month in to the Canadian experiment, and still trooping on. In all this time I have managed to see a total of 3 towns...
In what is currently 32 days in this fine country I may have only visited three of its towns (along with stopping in a few others for an hour here or there, as well as truck stops) this was not a conscious effort to travel as slow, however i'm finding so much in each place that the need to move on does not strike me as an overwhelming one. I tore myself away from Banff and headed north to Jasper, only to get stuck there for longer than I needed, the only reason I left was because of a logistical advantage of a ride to where I was heading next (funnily enough- back to Banff).
Banff was a surprise to me, a tourist mecca in the winter thanks to 'the big three' ski fields I though I would be sick of it within hours, but even on my second visit I had to book myself accomidaition in another town to force myself to leave.
Side note- expensive to travel through Canada, flying is expensive, the Greyhound bus is ridiculously over priced, trains are worse. Renting a car or buying if your staying within a few states (due to laws on buying a selling over province borders) would be the best option for a couple sharing, or for the more adventure ridden traveler (yours truly) a simple trip to the side of the road and a thumb in the air will get you where you need,  this also is the best way to gather local knowledge and share travel stories or just pass the massive amount of time needed to get around in Canada.

Words.. huh, that makes a change. 


  1. Richard Costello says Hi. Can't help but note all your photos have snow in them. It's making me feel cold.

    Stay frosty, bro.


  2. Hey Smokey, just remembered you're blogging! Happy to see you're doing good! Enjoy your time, collect moments!
    Greets from Thailand
