Thursday, November 25, 2010

Last couple of days Buming around NZ until Fiji!
Will try and upload some pictures asap when I return from another Island in the sun.
Sorry for the lack of words, but i have been sleeping in a car and tent for the last few days and words are a lot of effort at the mo. But if pictures are worth a 1000 words than here are a few thousand for you to mull over.

Happy Birthday to Me

my birthday breackfast, cooked on an open fire and tasting great was beans and potato.

Beautifull Lake

Beautfull Beach

Beautiful Weather


Road tripping again. Left my Job and hit the road 1 week before leaving for Fiji. Set myself a budget of $100 for the week which I nearly managed. Sleeping in the great outdoors kept the cost down and much more of an interesting view in the morning.
Found that cool looking tea pot in a charity shop during a half price sale! was a real bargain. Had a fire and cooked on it every night as a stove was to expensive for a one week trip.

Friday, November 12, 2010


Few pictures of my worki including an early morning shot of my drive to work past mountains lit by the morning sun, sure you cant see much but it is impressive. Sat the 13th was supposed to be my last day as I have had enough of early mornings but I sticking around one more week due to fiji being suspended for a bit (thanks to my visa application).

Sorry no updates in a long long time, but im here now and what a story to tell, ... well ok, its not that great of a story but some of the pictures i think are interesting. I like pictures.

Since my last update I have weed in a cup been sucked dry of a few hundred grams of blood shot with an xray beam and cheated on an eye test, all in the name of another few months in paradise, thats right, it does apparently come at a cost, and that cost is $300 for a medical exam and $90 for an xray, could have been worse, in the citizenship test you have to drop your pants. Anyway I paid the cash did the test and now hope I can renew my visa for up to another year of this beauty.