Tuesday, June 23, 2015

Auroras Borealis

Apparently we had a good chance of seeing auroras borealis last night. So like a lemon I left the warm fire I had going and walked out into the middle of a field and stood around for a while in the freezing cold. NZs lowest temperature ever recorded hit the day before yesterday, i think it was -26, and no lights. Shame.

1 comment:

  1. Look at it the other way , had you not gone you might have missed it , although as it fills the night sky and causes primitive races to make offering I am suprised you needed to go anywhere to see it wasnt there . Never been keen on bonfires tends to emulate deep space , freezing on one side burning on the other. - 26 is pretty dam cold I cant believe the Maoris did not develop thermal underwear , ski boots and tog ratings well before the greeks. Like the smoke , the patterns anyway .
