Wednesday, April 29, 2015


If I remember my facts properly, Remedios was one of the first towns in Cuba, Relocated from the coast due to constant attacks from pirates. I had a drink in the 'first bar' in Cuba, However here is also where I was getting over the tail end of tropical sickness many visitors to the country seem to be taken down with. For some, it lasts a day, others, a a few more. My recommendation is to take a day in bed, try eating something and take yourself a diarrhea tablet for the tail end of said sickness. The tour buses stop off here but they arrive late so the town is yours for most the day and when the bus does arrive, take a walk out of town, or as far away from a toilet as you dare if you are sick!

1 comment:

  1. I take it this is a look a like and Che didnt visit a photo booth, Great photos
