Sunday, August 3, 2014


The skyline route on Cardrona ski field. look one way and you can see Wanaka, look the other and you can see Queenstown. look anywhere else and you can see mountains, sky, lakes and people falling off there skis and boards.


  1. OK I have said this once and it gone. perhaps the key is to logon and say it ? It looks cold , but in a chic way. The others look cold in a miserable way. Who everybody is is an enigma as are some shots but then perhaps they should be thought provoking.

  2. I have studied thid in detail , wondering what is wrong. I think you have attempted a panoram and that is why there is a join line through the sunglasses. Puzzled me for ages what they were. Upside down ski googles a pun on this way up ? Some strange new ski equipment ? But now i think I have it. tonu e mohio kei hea to koutou tauera he !!!

  3. Kāore e mohio ana ahau ki te aha diddnt whakaaro i o tenei i te aroaro o, te tuhituhi i roto i te Maori Love me te rangimarie taku tama
