If anybody Is still checking the blog, thought I would update let you know why no updates.
The last 3 months after going to fiji I have broken my camera. After a couple of weeks of traveling I got back to wanaka (where I have been living) long enough to send my camera away to be repaird, after fixing I am affraid I have had not much money and no Job to do much interesting or worthy of a mention on the webpage, so I bought a guitar and have been eating $1 meals while living in my car (its a new zealand thing and not as trampy as it might sound).
However I have now desided to take a road trip with some of my remaining cash and before gettig a new job, with my replacment camera should be able to keep you up to date.
hope its easier than it sounds bro! drop me an email at some point dude! and by the way... i still havent cut my hair since when we all first got to nz... how is your hair doing for length?? half the reason i wont cut mine is because i want to comp you out!! peace love rock and roll x